Wireless and Mobile Communication (GSM and CDMA)

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Wireless Communication

Wireless communication means the method of transferring information between computing devices without using any physical connection. For example- when we try to access any agency database server from our mobile phone without using any physical connection. Not all wireless technologies are mobile technology.  In wireless communication device is continuously connected to the base network.

Mobile Communication

Mobile is a device that is portable. Mobile communication is based on a cellular network. A cellular network is nothing but a radio network. A mobile device may be a PDA, smartphone, laptop, and any other device that allows the user to complete computing tasks without connection with any other wireless network. In this communication, the device is not continuously connected to the base or central network.

Mobile Communication Technologies

GSMGSM stands for a global system for mobile communication which is one of the leading digital cellular systems. The GSM standard for Digital cell phones was established in Europe in the mid 9080s. It becomes the International standard in Europe, Australia, and much of Asia and Africa. Cell phones users can buy one phone that will work anywhere where the standard is supported. To connect to the specific service providers in different countries, GSM users simply switch SIM cards. They stores all the connections and identification numbers to access a particular wireless service provider.

CDMACDMA stands for code division multiple access. CDMA is designed by Qualcomm in the United States. It is used second and third generation of the wireless communication. It is a digital cellular technology that uses spread spectrum techniques. Because of spread spectrum  is it it maintains high security and noise reduction. In this techniques several transmitters can send information simultaneously over a single communication channel.


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