Introduction, Strengths and Limitations of a Computer

What is Computer

The computer is derived from the word 'compute' which means to calculate. A computer is an advanced electronic device/machine that takes data from the user and processes these data and gives the result (output). It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations. It can process millions of instructions in a few seconds and at the same time with high accuracy.

Strengths of computer

Nowadays computers are being used in almost every field because of its strengths which are as follows:-
  1. Speed: Computer works at a very high speed and completes the tasks within a few seconds.
  2. Automation: Computer can work automatically without any interruption for example- Calculators can calculate automatically.
  3. Accuracy: Computers are accurate. They do not make mistakes in calculations.
  4. High storage capacity: Computers can store large data in its storage device. You can store almost any type of data such as movies, sounds, documents, etc.
  5. Versatility: A computer can perform various types of jobs like calculations, railway reservations, Airlines, and much more.
  6. Diligence: Computers can work continuously without any weakness, tiredness, and boredom.

Limitations of computer

  1. No decision ability: Computers can not take decisions. It can work only according to the order given by the operator.
  2. No emotions and feelings: Computers are far away from emotions, they can't have feelings and emotions.
  3. Need electricity: A computer is an electronic machine it can't work without electricity.
  4. Unable to self-protection: No matter how powerful a computer is but the truth is that computer can not protect itself in any way.


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