Evolution of Networking - ARPANET, NSFnet, Internet, and Interspace.

Evolution of networking- ICS Classes

Evolution of networking

The evolution of networking has started way back in 1969 by the development of ARPANET, which was the first to the development of the Internet.


In 1969, the world's first network was developed and networking was started with the development of ARPANET. The US Department of Defense sponsored a project named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) whose goal was to connect computers at different universities and US Defence. Soon the engineers, Scientists, Students, and Researchers who were also able to play long-distance games and socialize with people who share their interests.
In the mid-1980s another federal agency, the national science foundation created a new high capacity network called NSFnet (National Science Foundation Network) which was more capable than ARPANET. NSFnet allowed only the academic research on its network and not any private business on it. So, many private companies built their own networks, which were later interconnected along with ARPANET and NSFnet to form the Internet.
ARPANET was shut down in 1990 and NSFnet was shut down in 1995.


The Internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that developed from the first network ARPANET. The internet is made up of many small networks each run by different companies. and interconnected at the peering point (Point where two networks connect or exchange data). It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the globe. The Internet allows users to communicate with another user which is connected to another network. 
The internet is a supernetwork it allows all the computers to exchange information with each other. Internet uses a common set of rules to communicate which are called Protocols and the internet uses a set of protocols called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). 


Interspace is a client/server software program that allows multiple users to communicate online with real-time audio, video, and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.
an interspace is an advanced form of the internet where users communicate in multiple ways from multiple sources.


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