Types of operating system

Before reading about the types of operating system we should know GUI and CUI first. GUI and CUI are two types of User Interfaces. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface while CUI stands for Character User Interface. User Interface means the interface user uses to interact with the computer system it can be either graphics or character. 

When a user interacts with the computer using graphics (like icons, images, navigation, etc) the interface known as GUI. A mouse can be used in this interface. This interface is very user friendly. 

Example- GUI based OS like Windows, Linux, etc

When a user interacts with the computer using characters means the only keyboard, the interface known as CUI. 

Example- CUI based OS like MS-DOS.

Types of operating system, multitasking os, timesharing operating system, single user os, multiuser os

Some types of Operating System are as follows:-

  1. Single User and Single Task OS: It is used on a single computer for performing a single task. Single user OS is a simple operating system designed to manage one task at a time. MS-DOS is an example of a single-user OS.

  2. Multiuser OS: It allows the same data and applications to be accessed by multiple users at the same time. Users can also communicate with each other. Linux and UNIX are examples of the multiuser OS. 

  3. Multiprocessing OS: It has two or more processors for a single running process. Each processor works on different parts of the same task, or, on two or more different tasks. Since execution takes place in parallel, they are used for high-speed execution, and to increase the power of the computer. Linux, UNIX, Windows 7, etc are examples of multiprocessing OS.  

  4. Time sharing Operating System: It allows the execution of more than one task or process at the same time. For this, the processor time is divided among different tasks. This division of time is also called time-sharing. The processor switches rapidly between various processes. After the allotted time is over, the CPU shifts to the next task in waiting, So this type of operating system employs round robin scheduling technique. Virtual Memory techniques are used in this type of operating system. Time sharing operating system can be both single user and multiuser. Windows 95 and all later versions of Windows are examples of multitasking or Time sharing OS.

  5. Real Time Operating System: This type of operating system designed for real-time applications like robotics. In this, the tasks have to be done within a fixed deadline. System performance is good if the task is finished within this deadline. If it is not done, the situation is called Deadline Overrun.

  6. Distributed Operating System: On a network, data is stored and processed in multiple locations. The Distributed Operating System is used on networks it allows shared data/files to be accessed from any computer on the network. We can insert and remove the data and can even access all the input and output devices. The users feel as all data is available on their workstation itself.


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